TipDirect Cards

Pair Your TipDirect Card:

Important: set up your account first and be signed in.

  1. Hold the card to the back of the device and wait for the prompt. [Use the camera on your phone to scan the QR code if your device isn’t NFC enabled.]
  2. Click the prompt, if are not already signed in you will be brought to the sign-in screen, enter your email and password.
  3. After signing in or if you are already signed in, you will see a ‘New Card ID Detected’ screen. Click Claim Card to pair the card with your TipDirect account.
  4. Your card is now paired and it is ready for use.

Claim Card.mp4

Assign TipDirect Card:

Important: Admin only feature. Guides must have an active account.

  1. Hold the card to the back of the device and wait for the prompt. [Use the camera on your phone to scan the QR code if your device isn’t NFC enabled.]
  2. Select ‘Assign to User’, the list of active guides on your account will appear. Select the guide you would like to assign the card to from the list and then select ‘Claim For Selected User’
  3. You have now assigned the card to that guide's profile, anytime the card is scanned, it will direct a customer directly to the selected guide's account.

Distribute the card directly to the guide at your earliest convenience.

Assign Card.mp4