Template - Download if required

Bulk Upload Template | Guide Bulk Upload.csv

To upload a set of guide emails, you simply need to add them in rows to a spreadsheet, export the document as a .csv file then click and drag it into the ‘Invite Guides’ modal.

Bulk Upload Guides.mp4

After Invites are sent

Once you send out the invites, each guide on the list will receive a welcome email inviting them to join your TipDirect account. Guides follow the link and setup their own profiles on your account.

GuideInvite Email.png

How do you know a guide has accepted the invite?

When a guide sets up their profile, their status on the users section turns from ‘pending’ to ‘active’, this allows you to at a glance, see who has accepted your invite and who has not. You can easily resend an invite or recind the invite from beside the invitess name in the user section of your TipDirect account.
